Terms of use

General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of cashflowpoms.com

1. Overview

cashflowpoms.com, hereafter referred to as the "Provider", engages in the sale of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) during pre-sale events and through direct minting. Details on pricing are available in our Whitepaper under "V2 Pre-Sale and Mint Strategy" and on the respective platforms where the NFTs are sold.

2. Membership and Token Shares

Purchasing an NFT from the Provider grants the buyer a digital membership, which includes token shares for our proprietary cryptocurrency. This cryptocurrency is issued with a total of 10,000,000,000 tokens, as detailed in our Tokenomics section in the Whitepaper.

3. Token Distribution and Staking

3.1 Season 1 and 2: During Season 1, 40% of the total tokens are distributed to NFT stakers. In Season 2, an additional 20% of the tokens are distributed. Stakers must hold their NFTs staked on our platform for a minimum of 30 days to qualify for token distribution.

3.2 Bonus Token Distribution: NFTs feature different symbols, which correspond to varying rarity levels and bonus payouts:

  • 99 ♥️: 77.7% token share bonus

  • 999 ♠️: 50% token share bonus

  • 1,795 ♦️: 33.3% token share bonus

  • 2,106 ♣️: 0% token share bonus

These bonuses are unlocked post-minting.

4. Season 3 and Subsequent Phases

Post-Season 2, no new tokens will be issued monthly. Instead, monthly buybacks amounting to 50% of revenue share earnings from our treasury investment projects will be conducted. These tokens will then be airdropped monthly to NFT holders who have staked their NFTs for at least 30 days.

5. Termination of Seasons

Each season ends upon the full distribution of the allocated tokens (40% in Season 1 and 20% in Season 2).

6. Target Audience

The services are designed for both individual consumers and corporate clients.

7. Payment Processing

Payment processing is handled through various partners, depending on whether transactions occur during the Pre-Sale, Minting phase, or later on the marketplace.

8. Risks and Liability

8.1 The Provider does not assume liability for fluctuations in revenue shares. Earnings can vary substantially, and there is a potential for total loss, meaning the complete absence of revenue shares.

8.2 The value of NFTs may also fluctuate and potentially depreciate. Investing in NFTs and cryptocurrencies involves significant risks, including high volatility and the possibility of total loss. The Provider's cryptocurrency and NFT collection can both experience high volatility, and there is a risk that no profits will be distributed, if the investment projects of our treasury fail or do not generate profits.

9. Legal Jurisdiction

All legal disputes arising from these terms will be subject to the jurisdiction of Vienna, Austria.

10. Marketing and Promotions

NFTs may be sold through raffles, affiliate programs, and other promotional measures. Once an NFT is purchased during the pre-sale, it will be transferred to the buyer’s wallet on the minting day.


To use the services of cashflowpoms.com, you must be at least 18 years old or the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction. By accessing or using our platform, you represent and warrant that you meet these eligibility requirements.

11.Account Registration and Security

To participate, you must link your cryptocurrency wallet to cashflowpoms.com. Your wallet's public address will serve as your unique identifier on the platform.

Security Measures:

  • Wallet Security: You are responsible for maintaining the security of your wallet and private keys.

  • Smart Contract Interactions: You are responsible for all transactions initiated through your wallet.

  • Platform Notifications: Follow any notifications regarding account activities or security concerns.

  • Account Recovery: Account recovery is contingent upon your ability to access your wallet. cashflowpoms.com cannot recover or restore wallet access or private keys.

12. Additional Provisions

12.1 These GTC may be amended by the Provider at any time to reflect changes in the law or our operations. Customers will be notified of any significant changes through our official communication channels.

12.2 Should any provision of these GTC be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.

Last updated